

EZN transfers results from research and development into reality. Until today, EZN’s experts have provided advice more than 50,000 times, objectively evaluated over 17,000 new technologies, supported and promoted more than 5,000 innovative projects, as well as successfully implemented and accompanied numerous development and marketing projects.

Thanks to its unique offer, EZN has contributed to turnovers of many hundreds of millions of Euros and, since 1981, has been one of the most successful independent service providers on the market for founders, companies and universities alike, providing competent and objective advice on all questions regarding the development of new products and processes, from the idea to marketing success.

EZN was initiated by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics as a state project under the administration of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Since 1986, the EZN has been a GmbH (limited liability company) with shareholders originating exclusively from its own team of employees.

  • Qualified employees with several years of experience
  • An expert network of lawyers, patent agents, auditors and marketing specialists in Germany and abroad
  • Exceeding 50,000 consultations
  • Evaluation of over 17,000 new technologies
  • Monitoring and promotion of more than 5,000 innovative projects
  • Implementation of over 100 research and development projects

Dates & Events

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Cooperations and Memberships

Patent Information Centre Lower Saxony

The Technical Information Library – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology in Hanover (TIB) has been active as a patent information centre for many years within the framework of a cooperation agreement with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA). In agreement with the DPMA, EZN’s special services will be offered under the name “Patentinformationszentrum Niedersachsen” in addition to the TIB’s existing range of services.


EZN is a founding member of the TechnologieAllianz. The German Association for Knowledge and Technology Transfer unites technology transfer and patent offices of universities and research institutions within a nationwide network. The association provides companies with access to the entire spectrum of innovative research results from German universities, as well as from external research institutes. The TransferAlliance aims to accelerate the transfer of knowledge and technology with new impulses. As a member of the TransferAlliance, EZN is involved in the international technology transfer networks ASTP-Proton and ATTP.



The Verein Technologie-Centren Niedersachsen e.V. (VTN) is an association of Lower Saxony’s technology centres to form a business development institution. The EZN supports the association as a founding member. On behalf of the state of Lower Saxony, VTN has been carrying out state-wide projects and initiatives (e.g. INNOHAND) since 1997.




In 2015 and 2016, the European Commission awarded the SEAL OF EXCELLENCE to the project application “IProBoard – Intellectual Property Right Dashboard” (proposal no.: 710315 and 729090) submitted by EZN. In the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZONT 2020, the EZN application of 2016 was approved.


Diesel Medal

On November 30, 2012, the German Institute for Inventions awarded EZN the 2012 Diesel Medal for “Best Innovation Promotion”. The prize was accepted by EZN’s managing directors Andreas Deutsch and Dr. Christian Eckardt. The President of the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW), Mario Ohoven gave the laudation.



In 2010, EZN was awarded the Hans-Sauer-Prize for its successful and exemplary support. The nine-member board of trustees praised the financial, advisory and other assistance measures, which were described as innovative, efficient and successful.

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