IP-know-how and Downloads

Here you can find selected information on patents and funding programmes. If you would like to summarise your invention in writing, please use our invention description form – as a template in WORD / DOCX or as a PDF. You can also find forms for invention disclosures at universities.

EZN Flyer
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Request EZN-service offer / Questionnaire
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EZN Flyer Support Programms (German)
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Technical article “How patents work” (German)
Download file (PDF)

Technical article “The 12 biggest mistakes in patenting” (German)
Download file (PDF)

Technical Article “Building High-Quality IP Assets with WIPANO” (German)
Download file (PDF)

Invention disclosure Technische Universität Braunschweig (German)
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Invention disclosure Berliner Hochschule für Technik (German)
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Invention disclosure Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (German)
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Invention disclosure Hochschule Emden/Leer (German)
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Invention description (template for printing)
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Invention description (template to be completed)
Download file (WORD)

go-Inno Flyer
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Invention Store Flyer
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BAFA Support Flyer
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TransferAllianz Flyer
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Standard for the SIGNO expert opinion Patent value (German)
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PIZnet standard for searches on intellectual property rights (German)
Download file (PDF)

Example of success “Like on rails to your own patent” (German)
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Example of success “20-year partnership in development and marketing” (German)
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Example of success “R&D project: New terminal system” (German)
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